Protecting Russia’s Arctic

Protecting Russia’s Arctic

Ekaterina Shustkhem WWF-Russia

WWF Russia is working with multiple partner organizations to secure several new marine reserves in the Arctic. The project builds upon a September 2013 commitment from President Vladimir Putin to greatly expand the network of nature conservation areas in the Arctic.

The Arctic is one of the most dramatically changing places on Earth, confronting unprecedented and combined effects of rising sea levels, declining sea ice, warming climate and rapidly expanding industrial development.   The people of the Arctic rely upon healthy and thriving ocean ecosystems for their food and livelihood.    Marine reserves help maintain ecosystem integrity and build resilience to climate change.

The project will support scientific assessments, community consultations and communications in targeted areas from Beringia National Park to Victoria Island.  If successful, it will help create up to six new marine protected areas.  The project also includes objectives on improving public communications and assessing gaps in existing national policies for marine conservation.

Oceans 5 expects to provide three years of funding beginning in 2014.