Protected Areas in France

Protected Areas in France

Grantee BLOOM Association
Grant Amount 628000
Duration Three Years

France stands out for its mediocrity in the protection of its ocean. Although France is the world's second largest maritime nation after the United States, it ranks 17th in terms of its ratio of marine protected areas: unlike the United States, which protects 23% of its EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), or the United Kingdom, which has sanctuarized 39% of its waters (see the MPA Atlas), France protects less than 4% of its EEZ, and French protected areas are mostly located in remote and little fished areas such as the Southern Ocean.

In Metropolitan France, far from the announcements made by President Macron that France protects "more than 30%" of its marine territory, the percentage of protection falls to an almost non-existent level: in the Channel, Atlantic and North Sea, only 0.005% of French waters are truly protected from industrial activities and fishing.

Thus, although marine protected areas (MPAs) are essential solutions for restoring ocean biodiversity, marine habitats, fisheries and the climate, it must be noted that their implementation is a complete failure in France.

BLOOM is working to obtain true protection of marine so-called “protected” areas.