Three High Seas Protected Areas/Steering the Course to 30x30

Three High Seas Protected Areas/Steering the Course to 30x30

Abby Taylor-Smith, Greenpeace
Grantee Greenpeace
Grant Amount $1,500,000
Duration Three Years

The future health of our world’s oceans and their ability to continue sustaining life on Earth is in jeopardy. Scientists agree that we must protect 30 percent of the world’s oceans by 2030 in order to safeguard wildlife and avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Through Steering the Course to 30x30, Greenpeace offices around the world, led by an international core team, are driving efforts to meet this ambitious goal. Building from recent momentum following the historic passage of the first Global Oceans Treaty, the Greenpeace network’s Protect the Oceans team is engaging governments and working with allies to mobilize support for formalizing protection of the world’s first high seas marine protected areas in several large, critical marine areas–the Sargasso Sea, Emperor Seamounts, and South Tasman Sea. Through expeditions of the iconic Greenpeace ship, Arctic Sunrise, the project is working in solidarity with coastal communities to conduct targeted scientific research, expose industries that exploit and destroy marine ecosystems, and showcase the unique significance of each place in order to inspire the awareness needed to secure long-term protection and achievement of global 30x30 goals.